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Before the Coffee Gets Cold

  I first heard of "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" from a friend of mine, who is an avid reader. The plot description she provided immediately intrigued me, as I love magical realism. One day, when I found myself searching at a bookstore for something to read, I was able to locate it. The premise reminds me of a book I read a couple years back, "The Midnight Library," where the main protagonist who is unhappy with her life finds herself in a purgatory of sorts, specifically a library, where she can choose to jump into different versions of a new life by opening books. The outcome? Obviously predictable. She of course realizes her life isn't so bad and there are different mutations of unhappiness no matter which alternate life she ended up choosing, so she chose to go back to her original life. "Before the Coffee Gets Cold" has a similar premise: there is a small, underground cafe in Tokyo that has garnered a significant amount of publicity due to the fac

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